About Us

Since its inception, the auto industry in the United States and probably around the world has been closely associated with Ford Motor Co., the leading auto maker established by Henry Ford. Ford vehicles were first introduced in the Kingdom from the U.S President as a gift to the late King Abdul Aziz and in the 1940s the Saudi people have come to see Ford vehicles being widely used by Aramco.

The introduction of Ford vehicles in the Kingdom has initiated long standing bonds of trust and dependability which Al Jazirah Vehicles Agencies Company Ltd cultivated as Ford Dealer. It is a unique business relationship that has grown between this world-renowned auto maker and the car owners in Saudi Arabia.

Al Jazirah Vehicles Agencies' beginning in 1986 was very humble. Its head office was simply a tent erected on a yard used to store vehicles. Its staff was fewer than 10. Now, after 37+ years, Al Jazirah has grown to operate through several sales points across the Kingdom mainly in Central & Eastern regions.

Al Jazirah’s successes in the past years astounded everyone. It has been able to market all kinds of vehicles far greater than any forecasted figure. And so it has been recognized among the first winners of prizes. In 2012 alone, Al Jazirah was ranked first worldwide in its sales of the Expedition model; number one dealer of Ford brands in the world; the biggest Ford Showroom and the best marketers of Ford spare parts globally. Through the years, Al Jazirah has received many commendations and prizes.

This corporate success is attributed to the strategic vision which focuses on prioritizing total quality for winning customers' satisfaction. The policy is followed by all branches which are distributed to most of the Kingdom’s central & eastern regions.

Al Jazirah vehicles distinguish itself with its excellent after-sale-services. It involves different aspects of giving convenience to customers and fulfilling their satisfaction.

Al Jazirah Vehicles has an integrated chain of warehouses for automobiles in Riyadh and Dammam. They can accommodate hundreds of vehicles of different kinds. Movements at these warehouses never stop as orders are sent to various branches throughout the Kingdom to be delivered to customers on time.

The company recognizes the importance of maintaining communications with its customers in order to increase their satisfaction. And so, it established a call center in Riyadh and Dammam equipped it with the technology that can facilitate communications and get the services they want such as booking for maintenance, answering customer enquiries. Saudi ladies have been recruited to staff the call center and deal with calling customers. The company appreciates the importance of empowering Saudi women and giving them career roles.

Thus, has been the successful journey of Al Jazirah Vehicles through more than 37 + years. It has never been all a smooth drive without bumpy roads and challenging hurdles. Al Jazirah has been able to outmatch competitors and acquired gradually over the years a fair share of the Kingdom's auto market. It is poised even to do better: selling more autos by giving customers the best value for their money and the greatest satisfaction. Al Jazirah Vehicles Agencies Company is a unique business success story which is still continuing to unfold.